Audiatur Vox Sapientiae

Audiatur Vox Sapientiae

A Festschrift for Arnim von Stechow. Edited by Caroline Féry and Wolfgang Sternefeld. Focussing on the syntax-semantics interface, the articles cover main aspects of the structuring of propositions, including the relationship between scope, temporal anaphora, focus, the situational dependence of reference, and the lexical decomposition of verbs that imply a causative relation. Contents: Josef Bayer: Asymmetry in Emphatic Topicalization. - Sigrid Beck/William Snyder: The Resultative Parameter and Restitutive Again. - Daniel Büring: What Do Definites Do That Indefinites Definitely Don't? - Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen: "Wi(e)der" and "Again(st)". - Gisbert Fanselow: When Formal Features Need Company. - Caroline Féry: Focus and Phrasing in French. - Cornelia Hamann/Katrin Lindner/Zvi Penner: Tense, Reference Time, and Language Impairment in German Children. - Irene Heim/Graham Katz: Degree Operators and Scope (A)temporal Complements. - Katalin É. Kiss: Focussed Number Phrases. - Wolfgang Klein: Time and Again. - Manfred Krifka: For a Structured Meaning Account of Questions and Answers. - Manfred Kupffer: Learning French from a Dictionary. - Cécile Meier: Multihead Comparatives and Result Clause Constructions with "Split Antecedents". - Renate Musan: Narrowing down the Extended Now. - Irene Rapp: The Attributive Past Participle: Structure and Temporal Interpretation. - Monika Rathert: Anteriority versus Extended-Now: Theories of the German Perfect. - Kjell Johan Sæebø: Necessary Conditions in a Natural Language. - Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer: The Way of Truth. - Wolfgang Sternefeld: Partial Movement Constructions, Pied Piping, and Higher Order Choice Functions. - Dieter Wunderlich: Prelexical Syntax and the Voice Hypothesis. - Thomas Ede Zimmermann: Unspecificity and Intensionality. - List of Publications. - List of Supervised Dissertations. 541 Seiten, broschiert (Studia grammatica; Band 52/Akademie Verlag 2001) Schnitt angeschmutzt/cut somewhat soiled

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Bestell-Nr.: 1077 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht: 1,06 kg
Sachgebiete: Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft | Sozialwissenschaften | Sprachwissenschaft: Übergreifende Darstellungen
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage (gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier)


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