Corn, Jacqueline Karnell: Environment and Health in Nineteenth Century America
Two Case Studies. The studies focus upon health as an issue central to understanding social organization. They explore the relationship between urban, industrial expansion, deteriorating environmental conditions and health. One study deals with assumption of responsibility for public health by the municipality of Pittsburgh. It focuses upon the relationship between public health and deteriorating urban environment in a burgeoning industrial city. The other is concerned with the response of coal miners to health and safety issues related to industrial expansion and technological developments in that industry. XXI,308 Seiten mit 35 Tab. und 20 Tafeln, gebunden (American University Studies. Series IX: History; Vol. 53/Peter Lang Verlag 1989) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 55,95 € 5,59 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)