Wood Kramer, Julia: This, Too, Is for the Best
Simon Krämer and His Stories. This book, a graceful narrative interweaving fact and fiction, presents nineteenth-century German-Jewish history as seen through the eyes of Simon Krämer, a Bavarian school-teacher and author whose works emerge as valuable pieces of social and cultural history. Using material from his memoirs, his stories, and documents in the German archives, Julia Wood Kramer illustrates three of the major conflicts lacing Simon Krämer's generation: the struggle for civil rights, the desire for German culture, and the resulting need to redefine Judaism and Jewish life. Moving from this larger world to the smaller world of Krämer and his family, the author focuses on the poignant emotions surrounding Krämer's sense of loss of a personal identity for himself, his children emigrating to America, and his fellow Jews, producing a work that is enlightening as well as moving. XVII,433 Seiten, gebunden (Peter Lang Verlag 1989) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 57,95 € 5,79 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)