Dapim - Studies on the Shoah
Edited by Asher Cohen, Yehoyakim Cochavi and Yoav Gelber on behalf of the Institute for Research of the Shoah, The Strochlitz Institute of University of Haifa and The Ghetto Fighters' House. Translator and English Copy Editor: Carl Alpert. Ten contributions from the fields of history, psychology, sociology and literature, previously published in Hebrew by the Institute for Research of the Holocaust Period in the Dapim periodical, selected because of their outstanding qualities. Some were written by well known professors, others, by young and promising scholars. A wide range of subjects is covered, varying from anti-Jewish legislation in Romania to Jewish Resistance in Cracow, from the psychology of murderous technocrats to consciousness of high-school students in Israel and, speculatively, the memory of the Holocaust for future generations. 278 Seiten, gebunden (Studies on the Shoah; Vol. 1/Institute for Research of the Shoah/The Strochlitz Institute of University of Haifa/The Ghetto Fighters' House/Peter Lang Verlag 1991) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 51,95 € 5,19 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)