Integration and Ubiquity
Towards a Philosophy of Telecommunications Convergence. Edited by Kristóf Nyíri. Papers of a conference held on 27-29 September 2007 in Budapest. 29 papers provide a broad perspective on the needs that mobile telephony fulfills and social and personal effects of mobile telephony. Mobile communications are rapidly merging with fixed-line telephony, the internet, and entertainment. Telecommunications convergence is a many-faceted process, creating radically novel and complex patterns of mediated culture, posing new challenges to the humanities. The aim of the discussions was to gain a broad, so to speak philosophically informed perspective on the collective and personal needs that mobile telephony fulfills, and the changes it gives rise to in society and in the life of the individual. 310 Seiten mit 18 Farbabb., broschiert (Communications in the 21st Century/Passagen Philosophie/Passagen Verlag 2008) Lagerspuren
statt 38,00 € 3,80 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)