Fraiman, Sarah: Judaism in the Works of Beer-Hofmann and Feuchtwanger
Unlike most of their contemporary German Jewish writers, Richard Beer-Hofmann and Lion Feuchtwanger were openly proud of their Jewishness. Their works mainly focus on Jewish topics and draw extensively from the authors' heritage. This study explores the ways in which their different upbringings shaped their personalities, their perceptions of God, and their relationships to Jewish tradition. Both writers were deeply attached to their native countries and advocated mutual understanding among different cultures at a time when anti-Semitism was growing in Europe. 254 Seiten, gebunden (Studies in German Jewish History; Vol. 3/Peter Lang Verlag 1998) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 55,95 € 5,59 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)