Langran, Robert W.: The Supreme Court
A Concise History. This historical overview helps to understand the changing role and accomplishments of the Court from its inception to its latest decisions. The book discusses the most important decisions of the Court in chronological rather than topical order, illustrating how the cases fit into a historical timeframe as well as what roles the most influential justices played. In an easy, conversational style, the author discusses how the Court was formed, how justices are selected, how the Court selects its cases, and the broad shifts of the Court with regard to doctrine and attention to the popular and governmental interests of each period. A useful appendix lists all justices and cases discussed. XIII,151 Seiten mit 7 Tafeln, broschiert (Teaching Texts in Law and Politics; Vol. 32/Peter Lang Verlag 2004) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 22,95 € 2,29 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)