McClintock, Thomas: Skepticism and the Basis of Morality. Threads and Knots
The first volume consists of two parts: Part One (Skepticism) is devoted to an analysis of ethical skepticism - the idea that morality has no rational basis - and culminates in an account of what must be proved to refute it. Part Two (The Basis of Morality) develops the methodology for its refutation and then proceeds to its actual refutation, which consists of the proof and elucidation of the rational basis of morality: the one and only true, or correct, supreme principle of all morality. The essays included in the second volume have as unifying specific purpose to provide an account of the cognitive content and manner of operation of the innate (and, therefore, for us valid, or by us a priori assertably true) supreme structural principle of human moral reason detailed enough for its linguistically self-conscious application to human conduct and affairs in a manner that will enable us eventually to realize the full human potential built into us by nature through the process of our evolution-by-natural-selection. Zwei Bände, zus. XXIX,333 Seiten, gebunden (New Perspectives in Philosophical Scholarship; Vol. 6 & 10/Peter Lang Verlag 1995/99) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 93,90 € 9,39 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)