Morison, Sir Alexander: The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases
Reprint der 2. Auflage, London 1843 (Tafeln zum Teil reproduziert aus der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe Leipzig 1853). Morison, one of the first English neurologists to give public lectures on psychiatry, worked over a long period at the London lunatic hospital of Bethlem, where he was a staunch champion of progressive and human treatment of the mentally ill. His main work contains 102 pencil drawings made into litographs, accompanied by brief explanations, which intend "to exhibit the effect of delusions and of strong propensities upon the physiognomy, as well as that of deficiency of intellect and of emotion in depriving the countenance of expression" (from the preface). The accompanying texts generally brief history of the disease, describe the peculiar habits of the patients and the treatment then available in each case. This facsimile edition includes a separate introductory supplement. Vorzugsausgabe. Unpaginiert, [235 Blatt] mit 102 Tafeln, Ganzleder in Schuber, sowie ein 17-seitiges broschiertes Beiheft (Editions Medicina Rara [ca. 1980]) leichte Lagerspuren. Nicht nummeriertes Exemplar der auf 300 Exemplare limitierten Vorzugsausgabe in hellbraunem Ganzleder
statt 290,00 € 29,00 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)