Oriji, John Nwachimereze: Ngwa History
A Study of Social and Economic Changes in Igbo Mini-States in Time Perspective. This book analyzes the history of the Ngwa-Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria in time perspective. It begins with an evaluation of the methodologies used in studying the so-called stateless societies and goes on to discuss the origin of the Ngwa and their socio-political organization. Subsequent chapters examine local and regional trade networks as well as the roles Okonko title society, the Aro and other oracular specialists played during slavery and legitimate commerce. Also discussed are the production and marketing of palm produce and the sequence of events that contributed to the Aba Women's Revolt of 1929. The final chapter uses the Ngwa example to highlight the diverse changes that occurred in Igbo mini states during the periods under review. XII,195 Seiten mit vier Karten und 8 Tab., broschiert (American University Studies. Series XI: Anthropology, Sociology; Vol. 55/Peter Lang Verlag 1998) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 25,95 € 2,59 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)