Jakobowicz, Rachel: Jews and Gentiles
Anti-Semitism and Jewish Assimilation in German Literary Life in the early 19th Century. From the end of the 18th century Jewish German history shows a pattern of emancipation and counter-emancipation which this study describes in detail. Evidence is taken from the diaries and correspondence of Jewish and non-Jewish intellectuals as well as from the fictional literature of the time. The rise of civic and literary anti-Semitism is documented, and the attitudes of personalities such as Wilhelm von Humboldt, Bettina and Achim von Arnim, Rahel Varnhagen, Dorothea Schlegel, Goethe and Börne are examined. 164 Seiten, broschiert (Australian and New Zealand Studies in German Language and Literature; Vol. 12/Peter Lang Verlag 1992) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 52,95 € 5,29 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)