Images in Psychiatry: German speaking countries
Austria · Germany · Switzerland. Edited by Eugen M. Wolpert, Konrad Maurer, Aicha Hind Rifai, Ernst Ulrich Vorbach and Martin Hambrecht. Describing the past and present of psychiatry in German speaking countries, this volume sheds light on the roots and fundamental chapters of the history of Psychiatric thought, like Kraepelin, Bleuler, Alzheimer, Meyer, Kretschmer, Jaspers, Schneider, Leonhard, Binswanger and Freud. Moreover, the volume provides a brief but very stimulating sketch of the present of Psychiatric research in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. VIII,605 Seiten mit einigen Abb., gebunden (World Psychiatric Association/Universitätsverlag Winter 2006)
statt 39,00 € 3,90 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)