Bridging the Cultural Divide: Our Common Ballad Heritage
Kulturelle Brücken: Gemeinsame Balladentradition. 28. Internationale Balladenkonferenz der SIEF-Kommission für Volksdichtung in Hildesheim, Deutschland, 19.-24. Juli 1998. Edited by Sigrid Rieuwerts & Helga Stein. Editorial assistant Clare George. 36 conference papers (most of them in english or german language) centre around four topics: the translation or adaptation of ballad themes in literature, film and other media; the natural migration across linguistic, ethnic or political barriers; iconography (including religious icons, dance, the fine arts, custom as well as language metaphors etc); classification of folk ballads. 520 Seiten, broschiert (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. International Ballad Commission/Veröffentlichungen des Landschaftsverbandes Hildesheim e.V.; Band 11/Olms Verlag 2000)
statt 19,80 € 1,98 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)