Two volumes on the archeology and history of Dereagzi: The byzantine church at Dereagzi/The Fort at Dereagzi
Including: 1) James Morganstern: The byzantine church at Dereagzi and its decoration. With two appendices. 2) The Fort at Dereagzi and other material remains in its vicinity: From antiquity to the middle ages. Edited by James Morganstern. Contributions by James Morganstern, Clive Foss, Wolfgang W. Wurster, Jürgen Borchhardt, David French, Robert A. Bridges Jr., Günter Neumann, John Rosser, Timothy E. Gregory, Howard G. Crane, and Gary Vikan. - In volume 1) the church and the two octagons that flank it are described, analyzed and presented in new measured drawings and numerous photographs. The form of the buildings, construction techniques and the relationship between the buildings is discussed, including the question of the octagon's function. Parallels with other complexes are examined. Appendices dealing with the settlement surrounding the complex, additional evidence of habitation, and some material from the area near Karadag complete the book. 1) 205 Seiten mit 26 Textabb. und 49 Tafeln sowie drei Falttafeln, broschiert (Istanbuler Mitteilungen; Beiheft 29/Wasmuth Verlag 1983); 2) XII,181 Seiten mit 39 Textabb. und 28 Tafeln mit 130 Abb., Großformat, Leinen (Istanbuler Forschungen; Band 40/Wasmuth Verlag 1993)
statt 96,90 € 9,69 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)