Mehri Texts from Oman

Mehri Texts from Oman

Based on the Field Materials of T. M. Johnstone. Edited by Harry Stroomer. A collection of 106 transcripted texts in Omani dialect with translations. Johnstone gave labeis to the texts such as: folktale, beliefs, biographical story, snippet, tribal history, dialogue. The editor added explanatory notes, especially in the first ten texts, in order to give the reader a clue where to find words or phrases in the "Mehri Lexicon" and in order to point in this indirect way to some linguistic characteristics. With regard to transcription, the editor follows as far as possible the variants chosen in the Mehri Lexicon. The translations are based on Johnstone's typewritten version; generally speaking, the translations follow the Mehri texts closely and are literal translations rather than literary ones. XXVII,303 Seiten mit einer Karte, broschiert (Semitica Viva; Vol. 22/Harrassowitz Verlag 1999)

statt 84,00 €   8,40 €   (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)

Bestell-Nr.: 15307 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht: 570 g
Sachgebiet: Semitistik
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage (gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier)


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