Of dyuersitie & chaunge of langage
Essays presented to Manfred Görlach on the occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by Katja Lenz and Ruth Möhlig. Der Band beinhaltet u.a. folgende Beiträge: Bald: Speculations about wife and wives. Kastovsky: The "haves" and "not-haves" in Germanic and English: From bahuvrihi compounds to affixal derivation. Filppula: A tale of two English perfects: A case of competition between grammar? Fischer: Notes on kinship terminologiy in the history of English. Mugglestone: Prescribed conflicts: James Murray and the writing of the OED. Tristram: The politics of language: Links between Modern Welsh and English. XXVII,389 Seiten und einigen Tab., gebunden (Universitätsverlag Winter 2002)
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