Terras, Rita: Semiotische Übungen/Exercises in Semiotics
Erzählungen/Short Stories. Englisch/Deutsch. The focus of these stories is on ordinary people in everyday life situations. Even though some of the protagonists were touched by the events that shaped our century, what matters to them are recent personal experiences. Several of the stories have a fixed locale, a small village on the New England coast. A somewhat similar location in Germany, a village by the sea where farmers, fishermen, and summer residents mingle, brings out contrasts and similarities in the lives of individuals living far apart yet bound by a universal human experience. 147 Seiten, gebunden (New German-American Studies; Vol. 15/Peter Lang Verlag 1998) Mängelexemplar/near mint
statt 45,95 € 4,59 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)