Dada-Büchel, Marianne: Katherine Mansfield's Dual Vision
Concepts of Duality and Unity in Her Fictional Work. Detailed textual analysis and a general discussion of Mansfield's fiction from a psychoanalytic, structuralist and philosophical perspective highlight the author's contrastive approach in the presentation of theme and show that she concentrates on the divided lives of characters who try to find inner unitiy and wholeness. Closing with a discussion of Mansfield's personality and the tensions in her life, the book examines the potential connections between the author's divided state of mind and the dual vision expressed in her fiction. 286 Seiten, gebunden (Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten/Swiss Studies in English; Band 119/A. Francke Verlag 1995)
statt 39,00 € 3,90 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)