Klenin, Emily: The Poetics of Afanasy Fet
"No book-length study of Fet has been published in English for nearly 30 years, and Emily Klenin’s study is a long overdue new look at a major, but relatively neglected poet. It is particularly welcome because it is a work of exceptionally fine scholarship and great sensitivity towards its subject matter." David N. Wells, Slavonic and East European Review 83.2 (2005). XIII,410 Seiten mit 23 Tab. und 5 Grafiken, gebunden (Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe A; Band 39/Böhlau Verlag 2002)
statt 49,90 € 4,99 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)