Fuess, Jo Ann Mitchell: The Crisis of Lower Middle Class Vienna, 1848-1892
A Study of the Works of Friedrich Schlögl. A comprehensive analysis of the thematic scope and significance of Schlögl's works. It provides valuable insight into Viennese culture and society in the half-century before the fin-de-siècle and introduces the reader to the Viennese feuilleton. Schlögl was a native Viennese petty bureaucrat, who focused primarily on life and culture in the lower half of the Viennese social spectrum. His pointed sketches (Wiener Skizzen) of everyday Viennese life were designed to be educational as well as descriptive and entertaining. 104 Seiten, gebunden (Austrian Culture; Vol. 13/Peter Lang Verlag 1997) Mängelexemplar
statt 42,95 € 4,29 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)