The Vocation of Service to God and Neighbour

The Vocation of Service to God and Neighbour

Essays on the Interests, Involvements and Problems of Religious Communities and their Members in Medieval Society. Selected Proceedings of the International Congress, University of Leeds, 14. - 17. July 1997. Edited by Joan Greatrex. The impingement of monastry on marketplace provides the unifying theme for this collection of nine research papers. Separation from the world, for most members of religious orders in the Middle Ages, did not imply isolation from the ret of society but, rather, a new spirituality orientated relationship which took different forms in different times. XIV,144 Seiten, broschiert (International Medieval Research; Vol 5/Brepols 1998)

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Bestell-Nr.: 5999 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht: 290 g
Sachgebiet: Mittelalterliche Kirchengeschichte
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