Laidlaw-Johnson, Elizabeth A.: Plato's Epistemology
How Hard Is It to Know? The goal of this study is establishing the possibility of a theory of knowledge which would resolve the paradoxes presented in the 'Theaetetus'. Plato's thought evolves from the epistemology of the 'Meno', 'Phaedo', and 'Republic' to the Combined Doctrine of the 'Theaetetus'. The Combined Doctrine maintains that both Forms and certain objects rooted in perception are objects of knowledge. Dialectic results in apprehension of the Good, and consequently of being, which brings about a permanent change in a person's state of mind enabling one to know what one previously believed. The Combined Doctrine resolves the paradoxes of the refutations of the 'Theaetetus'. It turns out that the difference between true belief and knowledge for Plato amounts to difference in states of mind. X,137 Seiten, gebunden (American University Studies. Series V: Philosophy; Vol. 173/Peter Lang Verlag 1997) Mängelexemplar
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