Laitinen, Arto: Strong Evaluation without Moral Sources
On Charles Taylor's Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics. Laitinen studies and develops further Taylor's philosophical views on human agency, personhood, selfhood and identity. He defends Taylor's view that our ethical understandings of values play a central role and develops and defends Taylor's form of value realism as a view on the nature of ethical values, or values in general. Laitinen criticizes Taylor's view that God, nature or human reason are possible constitutive sources of value. XII,385 Seiten, Leinen (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie; Band 86/Walter de Gruyter Verlag 2008) leichte Lagerspuren
statt 129,95 € 12,99 € (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)